
May 29-31
Kitchener Memorial Auditorium
Kitchener, ON


For thousands of students this word has come to describe a spiritual peak in their lives. Countless stories and testimonies have been told of the great things God has done in the hearts and lives of those who entered this arena.

Years ago, the leadership team dreamt of seeing the WMRC filled with students experiencing God’s love and power.  Students seeing and experiencing what it means to be accepted and chosen by the God who created the universe.

As a youth pastor, I’ve witnessed lives changed and heard testimony after testimony of what these encounters with God have done in these students’ lives.  I know people who have been healed at Overflow;  who experienced forgiveness for the first time at Overflow; who received their calling at Overflow.

The interesting thing about the word testimony is that while it is a declaration of what God has done in the past; the actual purpose of a testimony is to declare that God is able to do it again!

We are embarking on a new journey where the next generation of students can experience these life changing moments in the presence of Almighty God!  Moments that help them realize they are loved, accepted, known and chosen by the One who created them!  Moments that can impact the trajectory of their lives and propel them onto the course that God alone can lead.

Today, we declare that God has done great things!  God is doing great things!  And God will continue to do great things.

We long to see your family members, your friends, your classmates and students from across Western Ontario experience and encounter this amazing God who loves them.

Get Ready!  God is doing a new thing!

"I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."

-ROMANS 15:13