The writer of Hebrews encourages us to recognize that God hasn’t positioned Himself far away from us; He’s here. Jesus lived among His people, so God gets us; all our quirks, all our struggles, all our doubts. He understands us. So because God desires so much to be with us he invites us to “...with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16
Here comes an obligatory dad story in 3, 2, 1... The best thing about being a parent is simply hanging out with your kids. Being a youth pastor for over ten years I know a thing or two about being away from home during the evening. Sometimes my kids will ask if I’m home that night and when I get to say yes, they cheer. Dad’s love being with their kids. Dads love it when their kids want to be with them.
God encourages us to be confident in approaching Him. Not because of anything we’ve done - that’s arrogance. Arrogance is the inability to see beyond ourselves. When we’re focused on ourselves we lose sight of God.
We can approach God, because he’s made it possible for us to do so, and he’s invited us to - that’s confidence. Confidence is the ability to boldly do what seems difficult or impossible. When we recognize that God invites us to throne of grace we don’t have to worry about our own shortcomings because God himself invited you.
When was the last time you expressed, or even just felt the joy of God being near? When was the last time you confidently approached God? God isn’t distant, far away or hidden, He’s revealed Himself, He’s given Himself and makes Himself available to each and every one of us.
God built the tabernacle with the Israelites so that He could be WITH His people. God sent Jesus to be WITH His people. God sent the Holy Spirit and is WITH us now.
“With confidence draw near.”
I’m so excited for Overflow 2020.
I remember gathering for Overflow at the University of Waterloo (I’m older, can ya tell?) One year our youth pastor told us that it was going to be moved to a new location. I can remember thinking that it might feel different being there and in fact it did feel different; it was better. Better because we recognized that it wasn’t about the location. Overflow is about the gathering of God’s people, students from around Western Ontario gathering to worship, have fun and be equipped to reach our cities, towns, neighbors and schools with the message of Hope: Jesus Himself.
It wasn’t about the place; it was about the position our hearts were in to confidently approach the God who miraculously approached us. It didn’t matter where we were, what mattered was that God showed up. I believe He will continue to do what only He can do again and again.
As we begin the new year, I want to challenge you to recognize the presence of God in simple, every day moments. Try to recognize when God might be speaking, or revealing something to you. God is never short on what to say, but we are often short on listening.
And as we gradually approach Overflow 2020, know that you are invited to confidently approach God in worship, confidently approach God in prayer, and confidently allow God to use you to reach those around you.
See you in May!
Derek Osborne
Student Ministries Pastor
Glad Tidings Church - Sudbury