Below is a countdown beginning from February 2024- May 2024 this is to help you plan your best Overflow experience.
Familiarize yourself with the website, especially the registration section.
Read all the material that is sent to you. The more you understand what will be happening at Overflow, the better you can inform others.
Share the vision.
Show the Overflow promo videos to your youth and young adults.
Hang the Overflow posters in a highly visible area.
Outline your fundraising strategy. Choose at least one fundraiser for every month.
February fundraiser.
Determine transportation to and from Overflow.
Make hotel reservations (see Hotel Guide).
Determine your group leaders/chaperones.
Plan to take advantage of the early bird registration rate.
Have a registration table set up in the church foyer or other meeting place and register after services.
Make telephone calls. Some people need to be given a personal invitation!
March Fundraiser(s).
Register by March 23 at midnight to receive the early bird rate.
Keep on reminding and encouraging students to be a part of Overflow. Repetition (with variety!) is the key to enthusiasm.
Join us in praying for Overflow.
April Fundraiser(s).
Compile a final details package for all Overflow delegates and their parents. Include information on money matters, attire, advice, and rules.
Register by May 11 at midnight to receive the Regular registration rate.
Continue to register up to the Late registration rate online until May 30th, or until space is full.
Give parents a way to contact you in case of an emergency. Let them know where you are staying with the phone number. You should also have a list of how to get in touch with parents over the weekend in case of an emergency.
On-site registration begins at 5:00 pm on May 30 at the Overflow Registration Booth.
Plan follow-up activities with youth who attended Overflow.